Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Break!

It is that wonderful time of year we like to call SPRING BREAK!!! To most people who have earned a degree and moved on past their school days these are just a memory of travel, parties, days off and fun times. But for educators the break lives on! I started my week off by doing a little yard work and then diving into a book. This is one of those books that you just can't put down, I was warned by the many teachers that I should be ready for some late nights. The book is called Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. It is a love story with a Vampire twist. It sounded a little weird but I gave a chance. Those many teachers who warned me that it was going to keep me up, because I will just have to know what is going to happen next, were right. Another warning they threw out there for me was that I should have the second book in the series right there waiting for me when I finished the first. To this warning I did not heed, but after finishing the first book in two days I wish that I did! Let us just say that I will be shopping for New Moon tomorrow!! I got so caught up in the story today that I have a very bad sun burn from not paying attention to the time I was out in the sunlight. Off to apply Aloe!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


I got some beautiful flowers from my Sister and Bro-in law and their family! My table will be decorated with beauty now for my quarter of century birthday! I took some pictures but for some reason Blog isn't working right now for me to post them. This week was CRAZY! We had the TAKS test on Wednesday and my students sound pretty confident that they did ok. We won't find out until after spring break how they did. We also had some crazy snow! I built a little snowman for my students to say good luck on the TAKS but again I can't post that picture, but I will come back later and put it up for all to see. Another thing I did last week was join a gym! I am excited to get back into the routine of exercising. It was a great deal and it has 24 hour access and all of the machines that I like. Plus it is only a few blocks from my house so no excuses! Everything is going great here I still love my job and know it is what I am meant to do! Hope all is well where you are!